The jeepney stopped to let this guy come aboard, he was grinning slyly and looking like a cat that just ate a canary. I was nervous. He looked like a mugger and my brain was going into hyper-mode-paranoia, I was already envisioning him taking out this knife, pointing it to all the passengers and asking them to give him all they got. The bad part was that he sat next to me, which again fueled my already churning imagination. He was just going to do me first! Already, I was thinking of ways to avoid it like crying and telling pathetic but pitiful lies so he could spare me, pretend I’m deaf, dumb and blind or just simply walk out of the jeep while it’s still in motion. So while I was thinking about all these, his hand went into his wallet and he took out something and quickly handed it over to my side. I jumped out of my skin! To my relief, it was just his fare, which he was giving to the conductor right next to me. I was so glad my stop came and I went out gratefully but when I was doing that, he appeared to be standing up too! He just came in, why he would want to go out so quickly? Unless it was to follow me and kill me! Maybe he was a serial killer! (at this part, I thought I was really going to go crazy and confront him right in the middle of the street.) But I was getting hungry and had no time for my imaginations so I looked to make sure he’s not following, which he was not doing. He was not even out of the jeepney! Apparently, he was just going to sit near the end portion.
(Or maybe he was just trying to spook me).
Paranoid, I am.