Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ganun.My Black Cat day.

 I still hate waking up in the early mornings! And this day turned to be somewhat god-awful...but then I decided to turn it around...It's all in the mind! :p

What happened:

 You know that effing it's-too-early-to-wake-up-and-my-body-doesn't-want-to feeling?! well, i get loads of it just about every morning. i still never get used to it. This day was doom and gloom. I anticipated not going inside  so i didn't take any breakfast. Turned out, I got called in and i was already too hypoglycemic to function well. A few hours later, we got out (thank goodness) and we had breakfast at Jollibee! hahah..where we discussed about our friends (whom I miss very much_). but when I went back, i discovered my backpack has decided to terminate its life, the zippers went gaga and i couldn't close it.
"Don't panic": my mantra throughout that ordeal. I had too many things and it all came spilling out of my huge backpack. Plus, i couldn't get home yet because we had to take freaking diagnostic tests. I was really glad for this great couple who helped me try to fix my backpack (it ended up worst than what we started with---but it's the thought that counts right?!)
"I must not panic": the mantra was turning into a desperate plea. I do have my black cat moments; just like our dear leader who anticipates the oncoming rush of bad luck just to get it over with. Well, thinking positive helped a lot. I found a powerbooks cellophane bag and used it. I was supposed to leave my dead backpack there but my groupmates convinced me otherwise. So i had to carry a gaping backpack all the way home.
Funny how the mind works. The mantra worked. I didn't panic.

The thoughts that kept me calm:

  • Don't panic
  • I must NOT panic
  • breathe a little, there's still time
  • There's always a solution, i must not panic
  • I'm going to fix this and I know I must not PANIC
  • The problem isn't going to fix itself so FAST, enjoy some other stuff to keep myself happy
  • Preoccupation with enjoyable stuff can keep me calm
  • My will is strong, and I ALWAYS FIND A WAY to fix something, therefore, I SHALL.
It worked!
Mindpower rocks!

I had a black cat day previously too, i panicked a little. Practice, practice, practice works!