Friday, March 25, 2011

I Want To Make Them Feel

I am not a fighter in the literal sense of the word. I do not fight because I am always the weaker one. Verbal battles I avoid because my sarcasm flies over people's heads therefore I lose. But give me pen, a laptop or a PC and I will fight through the written word. If you ask me what I can do best for my country, I can write. I want to write because I want the people to read my words to let them know I care and that they should care too. The Filipinos mainly do not care. Or they may take an interest, up the sword, swing it a few times, get tired then find another more interesting subject. I do not want to be stuck in mud my whole life. I cannot withstand a job that I do not care about. It is a job, loveless. I want to work. I want work with feelings because I need to have emotions in order to be alive. I want to fight for my country through the written word. I want to participate in fighting for what I believe in. Right now I truly care about the RH Bill, I support the bill because I want my fellow Filipinos to have an informed choice, and I want the bill because I want them to have more choices in reproductive Health. I was educated as a health professional and therefore i think as one. I let go of my previous religion because it hinders me. I do not like the ones in high office, the officials who love to being in front of cameras and acting like they are in a drama series. I do not like that they insist on having mass. And I despise that those priests frequently use up half of their homily time talking about how wrong the RH Bill is. Let the people decide for themselves. You are not their brains. They have one. Let them use it.

Rome Is Burning

Japan with the earthquakes. Apparently, its normal occurrence in their country and I'm not too aware of that fact. But what worried me about the recent earthquakes is the hindrance to their rebuilding process. Japan is rebuilding. It has taken its stand against earthquakes and tsunamis with grace and dignity which I envy them for. On the other parts of the world, Libya, currently being run by Gaddaffi is now being bombed by other nations. Yet Gaddafi stood proud on a pulpit and announced to his supporters, he will not yield, they will win this war. He may be a dictator but I envy his confidence, his self assurance.

Look at the rest of the world, fighting for what they believe in. Look at them now, we were once just like them. We fought the most beautiful war against our own dictator years past. It was a beautiful war because it was a war of peace, the people stood up and declared they want to fight for freedom. It was a war of peace because arms were taken down, people held hands and prayed. I am a Filipino. I am proud to be one. But I am not proud of the way we behave. Envision a flood filled city, heavy downpours, people struggling to find shelters, amidst the chaos are the opportunistic people grabbing and stealing what could be sold. During a fire, there are so many helping hands...most of those help themselves to salvageable unburnt stuff to steal. Threats of a calamity may scare people in other countries to run towards safety. We remain in our homes because we don't want to leave our appliances and livelihood despite imminent death. A volcano is spewing hot ashes all over the town yet people still stay because they don't want to leave their houses and livelihood behind. A car crash happens, Filipinos flock closer to the site. The news feeds us with sensationalism bullshit. we receive chain texts/mails/tweets about ridiculous stuff and believe them without checking their validity. When we are against something, our best action is to make a rally/strike. We hate heavy traffic yet we are the ones contributing to it by not following street rules. We have grown stupid and senseless. We act like headless chickens.
We were not satisfied with EDSA1, we made an EDSA2...a shadow of the first. Then came EDSA3, an insult to the real EDSA 1 revolution. Thousands of country folk flock to the city to find jobs. They are uneducated, what has the city to offer them but the only available job of begging and stealing?! We have government officials who do not care about the people. We have teachers in schools who do not teach us to think but rather to comply.   I hate how much we're stuck in a rut. I hate how we tolerate all these. I hate how no one stands up, and people stand up with that somebody and wake up the sleeping spirit of nationalism. We were once called the future generation of Filipinos, heroes and martyrs put their hopes on us. Look at us now. Look at where we are. Look how different we are from countries like Japan, and not in a good way. Look at ourselves, decaying from the inside. We have gone rotten.