I have this pet peeve about famous
people who sign autographs looking so grim or sullen. I was just watching this
video of Sebastian Vettel grimly signing autographs.If I were a fan in that
position, right in front of him, and a few inches away where we are breathing
the same air, well I’d be very excited. Imagine that, a person I look up to who
is always seen laughing and smiling on videos is looking so grim while signing
fan autographs. It would be disappointing and I don’t think I’d want his
autograph anymore. I love Seb and all and his hand, which is bandaged for
unknown reasons, must hurt but at least he should smile for the fans or give a
little grin. Not to keep our hopes up or anything but just to be really decent
to the people behind the fence who went through a lot of trouble to get his
autograph. It happened to me before, it was in this political movement concert
which features a lot of local bands and my ultimate lead singer of a local band
crush will be playing. Well we went to the stage, illegally, and watched the
band play just a few inches from us. I was screaming inside, it was an
excellent view. We waited to take pictures with him after the show, a local TV
show was interviewing him and a few other girls were already taking pictures,
and when our turn came well, it was disappointing because he was looking so
grim and did not even smile during the photo. My heart, which until that moment
had ballooned to a bursting point, deflated. It was disappointing really and I was
an unhappy fan after everything we’ve gone through to get there. It’s difficult
being in their place, I know that and it can be really tiresome having to sign
autographs and take pictures and smile in every one of them but don’t you think
they should give us a decent appearance that they are happy that we’re there
for them? Huh. If I were to be a star one day, I’d definitely smile even if my
face hurts from always smiling.