So, i finally got over the blues. It’s the stage I have to go through every time i have my period. I wonder why it’s called a period anyway, it implies something different. The term is not enough to describe the discomfort of the whole thing. It is one of the banes of womanhood; aside from pregnancy and boobs (It’s not fair! Boys should get bigger boobs too! *kidding*)
The experience is alike to a phoenix…hah!
Not really, it’s just a pretty horrible time for me. People seeing the sulky, moody, wet blanket side of me. I am myself, still. But not the cheerful, ready for battle, tactless (geesh…) and fun loving Carma. Just the horrible girl who just wants to stay in a corner and brood.
Ah, well.
Activities of the day:
6.10am woke up
6.11am napping
6.15am stood up dizzily to go and bath sleepily
6.30am stood around dreamily
6.35am daily girly stuff
6.50am get out of room
7.01am arrived at classroom
7.03am fights, gossip, teasing, waiting
7.30am the SO vs. SV debate
7.50am SO won, well of course, he’s hot! i was rooting for him!
8.30am? jeepney ride
8.35am thrill ride!!!
8.45am health center
8.50am boring ride downhill
9.20am arrived at laguerta
9.30am information dissemination
10.15am return
11.30am the (*&09% jeepney is late
11.50am school, thank god!
12.05pm maimah brings lechon and the roll-y thing
12.30-3pm forgettable events
4.05pm SO time!
5.48pm home!
6.20pm laundry
6.40pm LFD
6.47pm blogging
6.57pm fin!