If I add up all the money I've spent buying earphones for the last two months, I could have spent enough money to buy one pair that'll last far longer than the others did. But why do I keep buying the cheap stuff? Because I keep hoping that they'll be good enough to last more than the others did. In the end though, they don't. What is the relevance of this post to the photos featured above and below? Nothing. Except that i'm ranting to filter all the unneeded stuff so I can really write about something related to these two photos: women+fashion+society's view of its stereotype.
I think my mind's clamor has died down, so here I go...
My favorite pair of shoes has always been of the high heeled variety. It's shiny and red and looks just like the photo below. I like it so much even if I teeter around on it like a baby who just started to learn how to walk. But I love it. I feel like that child, who just learned what walking is. That feeling of liberation when you could stand and walk around like all the others do. I like that feeling. There's some magic about these pair of shoes. I love how shiny it looks, I love that it's heels make me look and feel taller. I love how I stand up straighter when I'm wearing it. What I learned when I got older that its not wrong to love high heels. When I was younger, I hated high heels. I think they represent the stereotype that society has on women. That's why I preferred rubber shoes. I even wear them with skirts, in a severe act of defiance and fashion faux pas. Obviously, I learned better. There are women who promote feminism without looking like the worst for wear. It's good to make a statement. You don't just have to say the good stuff, you have to look good too.
I even read the magazines now. My tastes still discriminate though, as I prefer only some variety. What I love about fashion is that they know how to move with the times. They are constantly changing along with time. When people learned to recognize the impending disaster brought about by stick thin models, the industry moved forth with a campaign to ditch the models who are underweight. Effective immediately, this movement caused a lot of strife among their ranks. But it was to be done, because the people demanded it, times are changing, and so must they. The fashion world is a cut throat world, you must be thin, but now, there is a limit to how thin.
A few weeks ago, I've read an article about how most magazines Photoshop (it's a verb, now, yes!) the models so they'll look a little "fuller" in the photos. Yes, my dear anorectic friends, they do that now. The demands for stick thin models have diminished. Eventually, it will come to the time when Marilyn Monroe-esque bodies shine again. And I can't wait for that because, i have constantly been called fat, which I know I'm not. Having a curvy body does not define fat. Fat is so derogatory when used that way, with malice in it. But guess what, fat gives shape to the body. And no, I would not like a body that's like stick thin models because I know for a fact that Victoria's Secret's models are a little curvier too. (Seriously, who'd want to buy lingerie with anorectic models' showing ribs and jutting bones). Unluckily enough for about 70% of the girls, fat will always be defined by society as those who are not stick thin enough. Idiotic indeed. But I wish women would get over what society thinks. If you're happy with your body, then so be it. Let them eat cake! I'd love to let them see how models look in real life, like walking lollipops. (I don't hate all models, just the stereotype anorectic thin ones) I absolutely dislike the advent of Twiggy in the modeling world, she spawned all those stick thin ideals. I prefer the era of Monroe and Bardot, theirs are when women were happily curvy. Forget diet, seriously vegetables?! Not unless you're a herbivore or with chronic illness that requires special diet must you do that. It;s not even that healthy, fyi. You lack essential amino acids which you get from proteins=meat and energy=carbs/calories. You know what made me happier? because I have these friends who may tease me a lot about being fat, but they still love me for it and they don't push me to get thinner. plus this great guy, who-i-shall-name-once-something-happens liked me even if i am, as they call me, "fat". I usually range from 47-50kg hah! and no that's not fat. I love my body. Just the way it is, and everyone else can just (as Tina fey puts it) "suck it".