This takes the record for being the first hectic week of the new year. Monday started with the onrush to complete requirements. We braved the slippery roads just to interview a client in the household, we managed to gain confidence we didn’t have before just to get 4 family’s. That night was even more stressful, i have to complete the data in 4 assessment forms which are 3 pages, back to back each. Stressful? Not yet! I still have to study for the midterm exam in history. I was so tired that I slept at around 1am and the insomnia kicked in. This morning, it took quite al lot of effort just to get myself out of bed. At school, we have to collate and tabulate the specifics form our assessment forms. that’s from 27 students and each student has about 3 assessment forms each and some even have 5! I was so excited to see the end of this day. Thank God, our teacher for economics didn’t show up, but she did give us an assignment to be submitted before the end of the final period. It was toiling. So difficult to come up with explanations why these things about the Philippine’s rotten judicial system and meddling of the church happen. It’s so cliché. The midterm test was easier than I expected, I hope to gain at least 50 percent of the total grade since i didn’t study much, I don’t have high hopes for that subject. And oh, just 2 and a half hours before the day ends and I still have to finish writing my LFD, assignment for lit, Polsci research English write-up, and we have a test for lit! My back aches, I'm getting a carpal tunnel sickness but I'd rather procrastinate than face what’s in store for me.