The pain reminds me of everything I have to lose when I lose this chance
This last chance to prove I’m more than meets the eye
The eye that judges so harshly with just the outer layers of a person
The person that must prove his worth to live a worthy life
A life that may or may not be what it seems to be
So full of dreams and hopes as we come to the real world
The real world so wrapped in disillusions
Disillusions that bring us down, so deep that we may never get up
Get up to bring forth more dreams but this time tinged with harsh reality
Harsh reality that makes the wonderful so mediocre
But life always has its saving grace that brings hope
Hope that makes all the sufferings worthwhile because of the uncertainty of the future
The future which we decide for ourselves, that which we can change
The change that will make or break us or turn us back to where we were before