Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The last days of Disco

I think I might have graduated. I do have photos as proof. But that feeling of having triumphantly finished 4 of grueling college years seems like a lost memory now.

Just recently I watched a CNN interview that talked about coin flipping phenomenon. You flip a coin when in doubt over two decisions, but it matters not what the result ends up with because when the coin is up in mid-air, you get to know how you really feel because at that moment, you wish for what you really feel to happen. 

I don't give a fuck about British Royalty and their Royal Wedding but the way the Philippine media has been slobbering all over it sickens me. Media needs to take a step back and look at the way they are now. Celebrities lives do not make substantial news stories. You have so much influence over the public that you might want to use that to smarten us up, not further dumb us down.

I have no idea what the hell i'm going to do with my life. 

if i could just spend the rest of my days reading, watching football and tv series and movies, and eating and basically just doing nothing...

If the world were really to end, then why are wasting so much of our time over things we do not care about?

Dear glaciers, we'd really appreciate it if you don't melt. 

Dear HBO, continue making awesome TV series'. And American Gods?! Yes please.