An interesting fact of life is that insipid creatures of the likes of that which we shall henceforth call Yellow. That creature of vile matter should not have been released into society where the creature strives to perfect the art of evil. Ah, well...This creature exists so people can always have someone to overthrow or destroy and perhaps show the bitchy side of every one the creature encounters.
That gifted creature has powers enhanced by subtlety...look not into its innocence but to the dark, murky muck the creature hides behind that pleasant exoskeleton. Creatures such as Yellow have attitudes that range from subtly evil to full blasted evilness. The dastardly creatures can be identified by the following signs and symptoms:
-lies, lies, lies
-tall tales
-sudden interest in people/stuff the creature has previously dissed but upon discovery of your great like for that matter, has taken interest in it too
-kleptomania-like tendencies
-gives out false notices, false advice, false information
-false smile
-crap, all crap
When these do occur, find the closest cave and hide. Or when you're looking for trouble, face the creature and DESTROY, there is NO room for error because the creature has life-retaining abilities from absorbing the evil auras.
so bite me yellow, and i'll bite your head off.