Sunday, September 6, 2009

a quote

"I still feel like a castaway, the last of a once numerous species. It was as though Robinson Crusoe discovered the telltale footprint on the beach and then realized that it was his own. Myself, small as a leaf, thin as water, begins to cry."

What faith can keep us strong?

What's so good about having something to believe in? a god, an idol, an image. Anything to keep us believing. Who said we have to see to believe? Who said we have to believe in order to see? These days, faith gets stripped off of its mystique, leaving it bare for cruel eyes to see. We chose what we believe, but sometimes, our beliefs chooses us. We lose sense of faith, we lose that freedom to chose. We blindly stumble into one belief to another. What if we simply choose to not believe; to leave it all behind and just be an empty slate. Will we still be as strong as we want to believe?


The final days of dreams running freely
end with the promise of a new tomorrow
yet they linger as they once were
A fleeting memory of what would have been
The promised tomorrow failed miserably
We stumble and fall
we get torn by harsh realities
The life and love of late seem to disappear
what's left are remnants of mostly dissipated angst
Despair runs deep
seeping into the depths of one's soul
tearing away what's left behind
leaving wounds that turn to scars
scars that remain to be so cruel

contemplations of an uncertain mind

we don't know what we're going for...
we are here and now
we are unattentive to future uncertainties
the goals we live by are short and uncertain
we can look but we do not see
where are we going?
are we going somewhere or nowhere at all?
will we be something?
or do we remain to be nothing?

Hidden Goodbyes

When the last of the leaves in autumn fall
I look around to find you nowhere at all
The trace of your sweet scent is undetected
The everyday minutiae blends in with the last of your traces
You are gone
Gone forever you are
The sweet touch of your hand
The last remnants of the feel of you next to me
It lasts for so long in my memory
But time, and time again
Erases them all


random thoughts..
random doubts...
random needs