Monday, April 4, 2011

Boxed up.

Sheldon | Portrayed by Andrew Garfield in the short-movie “I’m here”

When your friends ask you to put a box on your head for a photo opportunity. HAHA.


This bears blogging as I cannot express my delight in 140 characters in Twitter (plus i get fail whaled). My two favorite fantasy writers (who are still alive and well) agreed to make Good Omens into a 4 part miniseries (This is the part where I try so hard not to type everything in caps lock). This is so fucking awesome!!! My God, that book was one of the best I've read!!!

Football improves my european languages skills

For example,
"Puta Madre" was shouted by Cesc
That translated= Mother Well-you-know-what-comes next

Or the British style english
"F***ing what! What! F*** you!" which Wayne Rooney screamed at the Tv cameras

And who could forget Didier Drogba's shout of "F***ing disgrace" which is now a classic.

Hugo lloris shouting incoherent French bad words which I will soon research. hahaha. I got merde out of that rant.

And german words I shall never forget:
"Scheisse" "Gottverdammt" "Dummkopf"

love football.

Football keeps me up at night and early on the next day.

11:00 on a Sunday night and I am faithfully stationed in front of my computer, waiting for live streams from football matches around Europe. Time and date ceases to matter. My state of anxiety is on the moderate scale; focus narrowed on only this game and nothing more beyond that. This is my life right now. And if things go as I planned, I'd be doing the same thing in the future. Maybe even be writing about it as a professional. God I love football. So much passion and life in one sport. It keeps me alive during the dull dreary moments of my life. 
The above photo is my future workplace(one could dream). I've been a fan of Opta for a while now and I've loved how they get the most accurate statistics about football to keep fans and journalists informed. One of my favorite bloggers got a visit to the headquarters and he tweeted that it had monitors where you can watch and compare videos of any and all things related to football. Imagine that. Simply heaven.