Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Drug dependence. (That refers to YOU, FYI)

Are you struggling with a drug problem that’s spiraled out of control? If so, you may feel isolated, helpless, or ashamed. 
 This has spiraled out of control. I thought I had it all under wraps. But then again, I had several episodes of remission until I finally succumbed to it.

The path to drug addiction starts with experimentation. You  may have tried drugs out of curiosity, because friends were doing it, or in an effort to erase another problem. At first, the substance seems to solve the problem or make life better, so you use the drug more and more.
 The path to drug addiction paved the way for self destruction. I meant to be more independent but now, I depend on YOU for everything. Which just goes to show how utterly spineless I am. Yeah, it was all rainbows and unicorns at first, but then it started to ruin that system I built when you were gone before. the rollercoaster begins again.

 Myths about Drug Addiction and Substance Abuse

MYTH 1: Overcoming addiction is a simply a matter of willpower. You can stop using drugs if you really want to.

  • ALL LIES! Willpower is usually the first thing to crumble. In my case, that is. 
MYTH 2: Addicts have to hit rock bottom before they can get better. 

  • I've been hitting rock bottom so many times I've lost count, but still I don't get better. 
MYTH 3: Treatment didn’t work before, so there’s no point trying again; some cases are hopeless.

  • This isn't true! I'm still holding out hope that there could be an effective treatment out there and I have yet to discover or try it. I don't need time nor space (Since those two just make me miss more) but I need diversionary activity so powerful I eventually forget.


And this is the part where I realize I could be offending some people by comparing my predicament with drug addiction. See how utterly lame I've become?!
And I've been listening to the same two songs for an hour because of the nostalgic feeling they give me.

I'm sick with it again.

strang and durm

I've been feeling doom and gloom for quite a few days now.
My life sucks. Really.
The minimum number of tests we have each day is 2. For each subject. FML.
I'm so freaking tired of going home to face another night of having to study, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT SINCE MONDAY.