Sunday, June 27, 2010

Waka Waka

The plan was to go to Ayala to scout for dresses for the party. I was drunk with the world cup at that time,  the acquaintance was the last thing on my mind. All I could think about was that there could be a giant jabulani waiting for me at the mall. I dragged my friends over for a bout of photo opportunities and there you go...the closes thing I could get to the world cup! My heroes in cardboard...or playing in the flat screen. i remembered so well that they were replaying the Uruguay match. I thank the bats for their support of my mania. I even got a picture with Cristiano, like we were playing together! LMAO. And btw, the jabulani only reached to my waist. LOL. but that did not stop me from dreaming of taking it home, or getting that germany jersey from the mannequin. :)