Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Not a movie review.

A Bout de Souffle (Breathless)
Jean-Luc Godard (1960)

I have a fascination for black and white movies. I find them romantic. I love unconventional stories. This film is a wonderful movie to watch. Jean Seberg looks ethereal, the American in France who falls for a Michel (sometimes his name), a crook. I love their conversations, reminds me of another favorite film of mine; Before Sunrise/Sunset.
Next film is La Vita e Bella (because my favorite F1 driver loves it and I heard it's really good) and M, a German film.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Books and Chocolates go hand in hand

Books I bought for less than 200 php. Amazing finds. And then some chocolates. ;)
p.s. I do not know what the fuck is going on with Blogspot but my photos have disappeared and are replaced by a black box with an exclamation point. What the bloody fuck

Monday, September 12, 2011

forever a nerd

Got my first paycheck (from my part time online job) and the first thing I could think of is, "What book should i buy?". It's not quite a large amount so I'll have to budget it but then again, it's my first paycheck from doing something I love=writing. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

It is quite all right to judge a book by its cover, nowadays. People did work hard to make them attractive.