Sunday, August 1, 2010

but where are you?

Someone just told me I look ugly in my photo. At first, I was like, Okay, he's just teasing, but then he repeated it again and my fragile self esteem went shooting down the drain. So of course, I look for redemption from friends and guess who I thought of first?! Well, you. But you weren't there...and I waited! =(

I know I shouldn't rely on you to make myself feel good again but it's just so freaking addictive. You make me feel like everything else doesn't matter because you still care. When I tell you about it, you consider it in ways that make those annoyances go away, and I know other people can do that for me but you just make it feel more special, somehow. 

This is not good. I'm becoming dependent. 

And you're still nowhere to be found.